denver gem show during covid-times
Gem shows are what drove me to make jewelry - I'll make this clear... I love rocks! It's crazy to me that I get to do this for a living, a dream c...
Remodelista and Carina Schott
Our friend Sara Lonsdale of Remodelista wrote about our home, my blog and life with a family who's parent's both work from home (that's us!). There...
apartment therapy and Nonchalantmom
In 2013 Apartment Therapy visited our homeĀ in Rhode Island. We talked about home offices, work and life with kids and working from home. I was good...
not sure who I am.... read this interview on Bloesem Design
This is one of my favorite interviews from one of my favorite blogs of all time - Bloesem, Irene Hoofs and I started our businesses at about the sa...
Welcome to my journal
You may remember me as Nonchalantmom - people used to call me THE nonchalantmom but I can assure you there are many! I had a large following of new...